原來是觀光局針對國際旅客,推出了「台灣騎跡--2009鐵馬自由行」活動,而知名的美國單車部落格Bike Hugger的編輯們,也組團參加了這次活動。這是他們幾天前騎單車暢遊陽明山的影片,配上了酷炫的嘻哈音樂,看完會有種想出門騎車的衝動,只不過這幾天台灣天氣極不穩定,或許大家只能在家看看影片,過過乾癮了!
影片來源:Video: Cycling from Tapei through Yangmingshan National Park Credit by Yokota Fritz
2 則留言:
Thanks for posting this video. The credit for this video actually goes me, and my friends at Bike Hugger were kind enough to post it to their website.
Thank you again and I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you, Yokota.